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Why Bill Johns for Farragut Mayor?


“Bill conducting their monthly cleanup”

"True Conservative"

Bill was ironically born while his mother was working for Governor Ronald Reagan’s reelection campaign in 1970 and a decade later became the official stamp licker for Tennesseans for “Reagan in ‘80” for his grandmother who was an officer for the Shelby County Republican Party.  Through these experiences, he became an early evangelist for the Republican Party and conservative causes.

Bill has been a member, officer, and founder of many groups supporting his conservative beliefs and protecting our great Republic.  He was a member of the Germantown, Bartlett, Collierville, and Shelby County GOP, was an officer for the University of Memphis College Republicans, and served in leadership roles on many campaigns.  While at the University of Tennessee, he led the MBA GOP Club.


Upon arriving in Farragut, Bill has been active in the Concord – Farragut Republican Club for 20 years serving as a past President and Vice President, and he was also very active as an officer and radio host with the Tennessee Conservative Union.  Bill founded the Farragut Gun Club, which spearheaded and supported many legislative, administrative, and economic development successes not only for the community, but for Tennessee and the entire southeast USA.

"Community Hero"

Bill has been referred to as community hero many times during his tenure in East Tennessee.  In 2018, he was recognized for his work in creating our region’s entrepreneurship ecosystem as a nominee for Knoxville News Sentinel’s “Person of the Year”.   Bill has spearheaded many other initiatives such as supporting parents, students, and teachers to remove a superintendent that was not aligned with our community’s values; creating the UT MBA Consulting Practicum that has delivered thousands of hours and $M of dollars of value to our region’s not-for-profits; mentoring over a thousand high school / college aged young adults; and supporting various law enforcement / security entities when the need arises.  Bill has been also a prolific contributor to the Farragut Press and other newspapers. 


Bill has also served on numerous committees, boards, and grassroots organizations since moving to Farragut including the Farragut Economic Development Committee and most recently as our district’s delegate to the Knox County Charter Review Committee.  Bill has also served as his homeowners president in the early 2000s making a dormant organization once again compliant, participates in the Town of Farragut’s Adopt a Mile program, and supports various causes including Second Harvest and many pro-veteran groups. He co-founded the now dormant Farragut Community Alliance and Leadership Farragut groups and hosted many candidate forums. Bill has also spearheaded and supported many economic initiatives that have helped deliver $B of value to our nation’s research lab ecosystem and equally to the southeast USA with the recruitment of outdoor companies.

"Most Qualified"

Bill is one of the most qualified candidates to seek public office in our community.  Academically, Bill holds accredited graduate degrees in both business (MBA) and public (MPA) administration along with an undergraduate degree (BA) which he studied political science and criminal justice.   Bill has extensive experience not only in the public sector, but with economic development organizations.   Bill served as a VP / consultant for our region’s 16-counties and brought many capabilities to it from his experiences in industry and “Silicon Valley”.  Bill also served as a Tennessee Quality Award examiner and worked exclusively evaluating transportation companies and local governments.


Bill gained invaluable experience while living, volunteering, working, and consulting for the City of Germantown.  Germantown is a “best in class” community and is only one of four municipalities to ever receive a Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award.  Bill received hands on experience in every aspect and department of local government.   Bill was also mentored by two of the very finest public administrators in the southeast USA who encouraged him to purse a Master of Public Administration degree.   In addition, Bill was a member of the inaugural class of Leadership Germantown and supported all the region’s other community leadership programs while he was in graduate school.


Bill’s past affiliations include: American Society for Public Administration, Pi Alpha Alpha Public Administration Honor Society, International City/County Management Association, American Planning Association, National Defense Industry Association, Tennessee Quality Award, Tennessee Economic & Community Development, East Tennessee Economic Council, Tennessee Valley Corridor, Innovation Valley, and various regional and local chambers of commerce.

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